Amy's Ant
Despite the snow storms we’ve been having in Colorado, it looks like winter is finally being chased away by warmer temps. To celebrate the coming spring, were going to be tying up my favorite point fly, Amy’s Ant. Originally tied by Jack Dennis, out of Jackson Hole, this attractor dry is about as versatile as it gets. By changing up size and color, this fly can be fished from the Patagonia to Alaska. My favorite way to fish this fly is with a second, natural dry off the back, but it works equally well with a small dropper. If you’re looking for a nice introduction into the world of attractor dry flies and want to tie something that will be extremely successful on your local trout waters, this is the fly for you.
Hook: TMC 5262 – sz. 6-14
Thread: UTC 140 – Olive
Body: 2mm Foam - Tan/Black, Ice Dub - UV Light Olive, Saddle Hackle - Brown
Thorax: Ice Dub - UV Light Olive
Wing: Krystal Flash - Pearl, Elk Hair - Natural